Web Design
You need a website, I know how to build them… Let’s join forces! Most of my everyday energy is spent imagining the best way to effectively and attractively display content on the web. I’m currently the lead UX/Web Designer and Project Manager at Site-Ninja.com, but I also specialize in designing WordPress websites. Check out my portfolio to see all of the great clients I’ve gotten to work with… you could be next![/one_third]
Photography has been a lifelong passion of mine, and I am incessantly taking photos of everything I see from every angle I can imagine. (Definitely annoying, definitely not doing anything about it.) Every day I wake up and wonder what new sight I will see for the first time. I’ve shot weddings and architectural photos on professional assignments, but lately I mostly just post photos and stories from my daily life.[/one_third]
Traveling is living, and I intend to live this life to the max. I’ve been fortunate to see many of the wonders of our world in my brief life – lions hunting buffalo in Botswana, ancient pyramids in Giza, beautiful mosques in Istanbul, Cape Town from Table Mountain, sweeping expanses of Tanzania, jumbled alleys of Aix-en-Provence and the haunting cathedrals that decorate the skyline in Prague. Come with me as I choose each new adventure!