Turning 30!
I just turned 30 last weekend and had the most fantastic birthday this year! Mik took me out to Stella Mare’s the night before and it was beautiful and delicious – my favorite combo! We split a shrimp appetizer and both ordered steaks. We had neither been there before and it was a really nice experience – good choice!
The day of my birthday we had a party with all of my best Santa Barbara peeps out at Deep Sea’s Tasting Room on the wharf. Linda gave me some sick cowboy boots & a dress, I got a basil plant, an orchid and purple tulips, chocolate, a Starbucks gift card and two bottles of wine. So much for no gifts! Clarence drove all the way from San Francisco, I got to reunite with Alfred & his girlfriend, there were 3 other people with my same birthday and everybody just came to have a good time. Thanks for celebrating with me, friends!